A Great Place to Grow through Worship and the Word

Impacting Lives for Abundant Living


Carter Memorial Church is a motivating ministry designed to advance the Kingdom of God. We are committed to worshiping God in spirit and truth; exemplifying Christ in our walk; living the abundant life; and loving our neighbors as ourselves. We endeavor to equip believers for service to mankind by evangelizing the lost, teaching the way of Holiness and ministering healing and hope to people in despair. We are committed to excellence in ministry. 


  • A Holistic Ministry – To be a City of Refuge and a Haven of Deliverance. A place where people can find love, help, hope, forgiveness, guidance and encouragement. To reach the loss for Christ by witnessing the saving grace of His shed blood for the remission of sins.

  • A Word Outreach Ministry – To share the Gospel of Jesus Christ through a variety of media.

  • A Welcoming and Developing Ministry – To consistently welcome active members into the fellowship of our church family, developing them to a level of spiritual and physical maturity in their walk with God and their daily relationships with humanity.

  • A Learning Ministry – To be a resource center of learning.

  • An Extended Ministry – To plant and establish extended ministries to advance the Kingdom agenda.

  • A Missions Minded Ministry – To consistently support domestic and global missions, enhancing the lives of God’s people toward a better life.

  • An Outreach Ministry – To provide community engagement for the spiritual, physical, and emotional well being of the citizens of Baltimore and the surrounding areas through Urban Initiatives.

  • A Ministry of Acquisition and Expansion – To expand the ministry’s Capital Improvement Plan through strategic planning and vision implementation.



Carter Memorial Church of God In Christ
13 South Poppleton Street
Baltimore, MD 21201

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